Posts Tagged ‘mom’

WELL I guess I should post today since I hav record visits to this blog today

January 2, 2008

This is a wonderful way to start out a new year with record hits!!!

Thank you all


I am turning back to GOD so you may notice that I hopefully will be acting better and treating those in my life much better, though I do not think that I every really treated them that bad with exception of a few women namely my sons mom and an old GF in Seattle who is forever gone from my life.

on my my space i am posting what I learn in the bible as I read it HOpefully daily I also will post some of my short comings and open up to my readers. I do not seek to teach or preach just to share what I am learning as I learn, actually the bible makes it clear that If my family if messed up that i should not teach and preach. So if MY family life ever get straightened out then i might consider teaching or preaching, but at this time I do not want to be held to those high standards, I know I fail miserably.  right now I just seek to help my family and hopefully God will help me.

To all you wonderful blessings (people and readers) Seek God with your whole heart and he will seek you.